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Support us

Join us in our ambition is to bring hands-on science and engineering curiosity to Christchurch in a new exciting project for the community and visitors.

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We’re supporters of town centre regeneration.  And we want to share our zest for science and engineering across the community. We need your help to write our business plan and raise funding to fit out the building.

The opportunity is provided by the development of the site of the old police station and magistrates court at the end of the High Street. Discover Science Christchurch will be an exciting ‘go to’ location in Christchurch to inspire future generations in science, technology and engineering.

We’re doing this because we want to see our town centre reinvigorated. And we want to increase footfall in Christchurch. Also, this exciting new project will provide new resources for the community and visitors. Along the way we’ll create lots of pop up science opportunities to find out more about what you want.

Our feasibility study has now been completed and we are in the process of  writing our full business plan.  Donations and contributions are welcome…and we’re nearly there!